Thursday, June 21, 2012


I don't know if you've been able to tell from our photos, but we've had a lot of cool cloudy days.  Today the skies were clear, the air warm and the sun intense.  A perfect day for a hike!  We had one more day here in Bergen to summit another of the Bergen Hills.  Today it was Lyderhorn.  Tonnes drove to our starting place, south and west of Bergen city center.  We went up, up, up; Norwegians don't mess around with switchbacks, they just get up the mountain!

We thought we had the mountain to ourselves, but when we got close to the top, we could hear children's voices.  Sure enough, several classes of elementary-age children were swarming the top of the peak; they had climbed up from the opposite side.  Field Trip!  Tomorrow is the last day of school here.

We had lunch away from the "crowd" and then went back up to the top once they were gone.  It was gorgeous.  360 views of Bergen and the harbor, all the mountains we've climbed, and out to sea.  We just stayed on top and soaked it all up.

We hiked back down a different way and then negotiated a city bus back to town, ice cream and home.
We are getting ready to leave tomorrow to head down south to the homeland.

1 comment:

  1. School goes late there...and I thought SD5 got out late!!! Enjoying your photos!
