Saturday, June 16, 2012

History Lesson in the Rain

Today it was raining, so Tonnes said it was a good day to drive somewhere.  He took us south of Bergen to where we took a small passenger ferry to the island of Lysoen where Ole Bull had a summer residence.  It is an architectural work of art and grand palace all in one.  Ole Bull was a famous Norwegian violinist (1810-1880), was very charismatic and popular, and is also known for a Norwegian colony he envisioned in Pennsylvania, but wasn't really successful.  His 2nd wife was an American debutante, much younger than he, and he took her to Lysoen every summer.  He owned the old island and lived in a very grand manner.

Then we went to see the ruins of an old monastery from the 1220-1500s.  The rock-work in the walls was an interesting blend of big stones and little flat ones.  Amazing to think about the time's passing.

When we got back, the rain had let up so we took a quick hike up the Stoltsekleivan--straight up the mountain on stone steps through green mossy woods; amazing trail work!  Since we were close we also went on up to the top of another of the Bergen hills (there are seven), Sandviksfjellet.  We ended up pretty soaked when we got back down as the rain wasn't finished with us.  I fixed a spinach salad and dirty rice, and Tonnes had a huge bowl of shrimp for us to peel and eat with bread.  Another wonderful day. 
The whole trail was like this!  Bergensers RUN up this trail for exercise
 on a regular basis and time themselves religiously!
 I decided that "Stoltsekleivan" must mean "stair-master".
happy hikers

another view of Bergen
A rock cairn marks Mt Sandviksfjellet.
Mt Ulriken is the furthest mountain in the distance; it's where we hiked on Tuesday
Thanks to all of you who are sending messages--sorry I can't reply to them all.  Some nights it's all I can do to download the cameras and give a short account of the day.  But we appreciate all your thoughts and are having a wonderful visit.

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