Saturday, June 30, 2012

More Mining in Norway

On Thursday Astrid took us to Sogndalstrand where Terje lives.  First order of business:  coffee and cake.

Our weather was beautiful and sunny, as we sat on Terje's deck looking out to the North Sea and his quaint little fishing village.

Later that afternoon, we were given a tour of a large mine called Titania (tee-tahn-yah) where they extract titanium oxide, used in whitening paint.  Terje's nephew Roy, works there and was given permission to give us an amazing tour of the mine, including getting up on these huge machines and even operating one of them! We couldn't believe it!
me and Lena

Terje, Anna, Lena, Warren

Titania is one of the largest open pit operations in Europe.

Terje and Lena

Warren in the driver's seat!

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