Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Easy day

We took it easy today.  My knee is hurting some from the exertion of our hikes.  So it was a good day to go to a museum.  One of the unique features of Bergen are these old buildings along the wharf, or "Bryggen."  Back in the Middle Ages, a thriving trade developed in Bergen as a seaport, and a league of German merchants from Hansa set up shop.  Bryggen became a little town within a town for these Hanseatic merchants, importing grain to people in Norway and exporting dried fish--an important staple food.  Today we went to the Bryggen museum.  Part of it is actually an archaeologic site, where successive building happened on top of previous building that was destroyed by fire.  The last big fire burned a section of Bryggen in 1955, and rather than rebuild as had been done in the past, this allowed them to create this look back into the harbor's medieval history.
Medieval wheel barrow in one of the displays.

"Stock fish" or dried fish used in trade.

a model of Bryggen
What Bryggen looks like in between the buildings.

After shopping a little in the Bryggen area and having lunch, we "hiked" across town to see the Maritime Museum in the University of Bergen, but it was closing soon (3 pm.!), so we lost our chance.  We enjoyed just strolling around quaint streets, some with cobblestones and interesting old buildings, had ice cream and coffee, and then took the bus back to Tonnes's place.  I've had time to do some laundry and wrap things up here in Bergen.

We plan to hike one more summit around Bergen tomorrow, the Lyderhorn, with amazing views out to sea.  Then we'll be driving with Tonnes down the coast to Stavanger and Egersund, the origins of the Jorgen Hansen family. Jorgen was my great-grandfather; his brother Mikal was Tonnes's great-grandfather.  Their father was Hans Olsen, the ancestor we hold in common.  We'll be staying with some of Tonnes's cousins (who would also be my 3rd-cousins), and I don't know how reliable my internet connection will be while I am there.  I will blog as much as I can, but I may not get an entry every night.  Not to worry.

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