Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Here is our itinerary in a nutshell: We leave Kalispell on Thursday, (Seattle, Frankfurt, Oslo) and arrive in Oslo on Friday afternoon--they are 8 hours ahead of us.  We'll stay in a nice hotel and tour around Oslo on Sat/Sun.  On Monday the 11th we take a train across central Norway to Bergen on the west coast.  We'll spend about a week there with my cousin Tonnes Gundersen.

Around the 20th we'll go down to Egersund, further south around the coast.  This is the small town where my ancestors came from , and where Tonnes's mother, Ellen, and his brother Rasmus live.  We'll be staying with family members there and base the rest of our time from there.  Tonnes will drive us back to Oslo on July 1st and we fly back July 2nd.

Our weather in Kalispell right now is cool and rainy--all three days in Oslo will most likely be rainy also!  But the sun should be shining as we head to Bergen.

Today is my last day of school for the year!!

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