Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Preikestolen in the Fog

We went to Preikestolen or "Pulpit Rock" yesterday with Rasmus and his son Gunnar.  It didn't rain, but the weather hasn't quite cleared up, so it was a misty and foggy day.  It was very exciting to be there, although probably not as spectacular, since we couldn't see much of the water below us.  This is the Number One tourist attraction in Norway, according to Rasmus, so we had to enjoy it with A LOT of other people; there were a lot of Spanish speakers, German and Polish tourists there.  It is a fairly good climb up to the cliff and a lot of boulder climbing in the steepest spots, like stone steps up the hill.  The fog lifted briefly when we got up there, but most of our photos are in the mist.
The top is 604 meters, about 2000 ft. above sea level; this map shows the climbs in the trail.

Stoney steps to climb.
The trail goes over these huge slabs of granite.

Our only view of the Lysefjord when the sun came out briefly on the way up.

Don't look down!

Yes, I did it too!
Afterwards we went back to Rasmus's home and had dinner with his wife Benta, daughter Ingeborg, and other son, Andreas.  We also went to see Ellen, his mother, at her home, and of course she fed us a second dessert and coffee.  She is 89 and still as clear as a bell!

Today we are with Anders and Astrid and will see more around Egersund and their home on Eigeroy island. More about them later.

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