Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Oregon Coast Trip

I wish I could say I am home from my trip to the Oregon Coast.  Actually I am still in Florence, but instead of lounging on the beach, I am waiting in the hospital with my Mom!  On our last evening together, she began to have an upset stomach and went to bed early; we were all packed up, ready to head back to Montana, but delayed our departure Thursday morning in order to help Mom and her husband Duane get to the hospital 30 minutes away from our rental house.  They determined she had an intestinal blockage, similar to what happened to her last summer.  My sister Ingrid was able to stay with Mom, so we headed on home.

They waited through Sunday to see if things would resolve on their own, but she ended up having surgery and another bowel resection.  I flew back out here, so my sister could get back to her job in California.  This is my last week before school starts, so we'll see how things go.  We are praying for quick healing and no complications so she can return to Houston before too long (medical transport would cost $26,000!)

We did have a wonderful week together prior to Mom getting sick.  Here's the family that was able to be there:
Duane and Mom
Ingrid and Michael

Colter and Alli--my future daughter-in-law!

Warren, Larkin and Anna
We had cool windy days (just like June in Norway!), but the sun was shining most of the time.  We explored tide-pools, went to Lincoln City for a sand-castle festival, to Newport to visit the Aquarium, picked blackberries, flew kites and walked on the beach just below our rental house.  Here are some of my favorite moments:
Hayhurst House on Searose Beach; we had to climb up and down the steep walkway from the house to the beach. 
Alli and Colter at the top of the walkway in our backyard; we had a beautiful view of the ocean from the house.
We even saw some whales out at sea the first evening we were there.

the girls out for a quick shopping trip in Yachats

Colter and Alli inspecting the sand sculptures

Ingrid, Michael, Colter and Alli in front of Mo's, our lunch time restaurant

the lovebirds dancing on the sidewalk

Warren flying his kite

Ingrid helping Warren out

building our own sandcastles

Mom in a rocky nook out of the wind

beach sculpturing

Mom and Larkin picking blackberries
Tide-pool finds:
purple sea urchins
green anemones
starfish orgies
friendly natives
I'll post this for now and share our "talent show" fun with you when I get another chance to blog.
Thanks in advance for your prayers for Mom.

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