Friday, August 24, 2012

Family Talent Night

Well, talent may be pushing it a little.  Entertainment and fun is more like it.  This silliness has become a tradition of our get-togethers, some of us dreading it and others embracing it.  This year Mom and Duane outdid everyone with their 15-minute version of the radio-show, Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keilor.  They sang, told stories and generally hammed it up.

Michael, our story-telling historian, teamed up with Ingrid to continue the saga of Mikel Bad-Eye, and his adventures at sea.  Their "act" included audience participation, with all of us singing rousing sea-chanteys and cracking up over Ingrid's black tooth!

Warren and I, being teachers of course, had to share a little Norwegian lesson, pointing out some of the words that were hard for us to say like kjott (meat) and sjofart (seafarer).

Larkin had Mom and Alli try to re-create the story she had supposedly told us, by asking questions of us to get clues.  This one is a little hard to explain, but it was fun having Alli in the "hot seat."

Alli was going to teach Colter to be a "broom master" by imitating her every move.  She had Warren ready to put a wet sponge in Colter's chair when we wasn't looking and he ended up with wet pants; from the look on his face, I think he kind of knew it was coming!

We had a wonderful evening of laughs and fun together, followed by chocolate brownies and ice cream!

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