Thursday, July 12, 2012

Bozeman Chapter 2: Rafting

We just have all kinds of fun in the summer!  We had brought our inflatable raft with us to Bozeman, so on Sunday afternoon, we drove over to the Yellowstone River for floating and fishing.  We enjoyed the sunshine and a picnic, but the fishing was disappointing.
Yellowstone River in Paradise Valley
Alli is new to fly-fishing, but is working hard at it;
Warren added a new "thigh-bar" to the front of the raft for fishing.
Colter fishing from the back of the raft.
Warren at the oars.
We found a rope-swing along the shore and had to pull over and give it a try--Colter and Alli got to add that feat to an outdoor challenge list they are working on.
Tarzan and Jane on the river.
Alli is game for anything!

 Colter had to work on Monday, so we relaxed and ran errands, and put together another picnic supper.  This time we headed to the Madison River for a short float after work.

Got one!
The fishing was a little better and Alli was ecstatic!
Madison River
Floating picnic on the raft.
What a wonderful weekend with my grown-up kiddos!  Alli and Colter were open to all kinds of marital advice, and it was fun reminiscing about when we lived in Bozeman 25 years ago!  They are planning their wedding for November 10th in Bozeman, so we had lots to talk about.  They are a delight!

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