Monday, July 23, 2012

Anniversary #29

Wow!  I feel like we've been celebrating our anniversary all summer with our Norway trip, but today was the official day.  It's been a year now since I broke my ankle, and all is well (I fell and broke my ankle last year on our anniversary hike), but today we played it "safe" and went huckleberry picking.  We had heard that they are beginning to get ripe up on Big Mountain, where we ski, so we headed up there for a leisurely day of walking around, looking for the little blue delicacies.

Actually, a lot of people think that picking huckleberries is hard work, but we love getting out in the sunshine, crawling around on our hands and knees, stumbling on the, it's not that bad.  Huckleberries are a small, wild blueberry, and they have a wonderful tart flavor, good for jams, muffins, pancakes, and desserts.  They like to grow on sunny hillsides and you have to pick a lot of them for them to add up.  But it's worth it!
This is a well-trained husband!
This is what we came home with!  A little more than a gallon--4 liters!

I made huckleberry muffins right away and put the rest in the freezer!

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