Thursday, June 7, 2012

On Our Way!!

We are at the Seattle airport waiting for our connection to Frankfurt.  We had beautiful weather in Kalispell this morning; it rained hard all day yesterday and the mountains have a new coating of snow.  They were spectacular as we flew out.  Then we got into clouds pretty quickly and it's raining buckets here in Seattle.  We'll fly out of Seattle around 6, Pacific time and be in the air all night--don't wait up for us. :-)  Will try to post another quick note from Germany tomorrow.  We will be 8 hours ahead of Mountain time.  

The last leg of our journey changed a little.  We fly out of Frankfurt at 8 p.m., so it puts us into Oslo late.  Hopefully we can sleep at the hotel and then put in a big day on Saturday.  Not sure what we'll do during our long lay over at the Frankfurt airport, but we'll figure out something--maybe post pictures to the blog!!  

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