Sunday, September 16, 2012

Birds, Bees, and Beasts

Another fantastic day in Glacier Park!  The road up to Logan Pass closes this weekend, so this was our last time up there for the summer.  Lynn and I walked along the Highline Trail over to Haystack Butte, climbed up on the side of it and came back.  Fall is starting to show its colors up in the high country and the fireweed leaves were my favorite:

On the way up we saw lots of busy bees gathering quickly before the frost comes.
When we were on the side of Haystack, we watched bluebirds!  They were enjoying the sunshine as much as we were and were curious about our presence, I think.

In addition to birds and bees, we were also treated to Mountain Goats and Big-horn Sheep.

We saw a group of 6 rams feeding on the hillside, and then this loner was right on our trail on the way back!

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