Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Few Extras

After I posted photos about our day in the Park, I got some photos from Dell and from Lynn that just HAD to be added to make the account complete.  Dell had one of Warren rappelling down from Mt. Wilbur--they had climbed up it without ropes, and it was just easier to rappel than to "down-climb"; and probably safer!
I neglected to mention that they had come across some bears on the hillside on their way out.  No one got very good pictures of them, but after cropping and zooming this one I think you can make it out--especially note the gorgeous color in the hillside!  I'm glad the bear was this far away!
This is the original photo and the bear is in the center, top third of the frame.  You probably can't see him/her.

This is a cropped photo and he/she is still in the upper center; its head is silver with a dark stripe on the shoulder.
Zooming even more.

So then I get photos from Lynn and I can show you what I looked like hiking the cliffs and ledges.
Anna with Apikuni Mountain in background.
Lynn and Bob stayed through the weekend and Lynn also sent her bear photos.  I don't have the whole story yet, but this one is impressive!!  On the trail and way too close!

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