Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to Glacier!

After getting a week of school out of the way, I headed back up to Glacier Park with my buddy Lynn! The road up to Logan Pass is open only until the 16th of September, so that is where we chose to hike while we still can. This fat fella greeted us as we hiked up above the visitor center at Logan Pass:
Marmot--he/she is about the size of a VERY big house-cat.
Down lower in the Park, the flowers are finished and going to seed quickly as the weather turns cool and dry.  But up where the snow has only been gone for 6 weeks, the flowers are still persevering!
Fringed Grass-of-Parnassus
Lewis Monkeyflower
Tiny blue Alpine Speedwell
Monkeyflower and Arnica
Indian Paintbrush
The animals up there are preparing for autumn also, and are enjoying the flowers in a different way than we do!
hungry marmot
hungry mountain goat
Lynn and I sat on some rocks and let these goats work their way up to us--what a treat to see them up close! 

Mother Marmot and her young, sunning on a rock.
Almost as cute as teddy-bears!

More mountain and floral beauty

Yellow Monkeyflower

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