Sunday, July 1, 2012

On the Road Again

We are sitting in our hotel room in Oslo, watching the Euro cup final and resting up for tomorrow and our "36-hour day" as we travel back home to Montana.  Our plans with Tonnes changed unexpectedly and it was necessary for us to just take a train back to Oslo.   Our train trip from Egersund (in the rain) was uneventful and all went smoothly. 

Yesterday we had a nice visit with Terje's sister Randi, another round of "kakke og kaffe," and Roy and his family came by as well.  Later we took a long walk up the hill above the little town and the North Sea for a last taste of coastal Norway.  A perfect ending to an amazing time here.

Randi and her grandson, Lukas
Roy gave us the tour at the platinum mine and we enjoyed meeting his family.

Looking down as Sogndalstrand; Terje lives up the hill to the right, out of sight.

Sogndalstrand; you can see it was misty, foggy day on the coast.

Looking out to the stormy sea.

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